Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Done With My Blogging Break...

It has been over two months since I posted something last. And seriously, it feels like yesterday...

Where has the time gone? Let's's spent saying "No!", "Don't pull your sister's hair", "Please don't throw food on the floor". We've hit the terrible twos...times three! I feel like I've been able to manage having triplets for the last 20 (give or take) months. But now I understand why people approach us and say "Ugh...triplets? Glad it's you & not me!". I'm exhausted. Mentally and physically. Naps never seem long enough. My kids are so full of life & energy (which I love) but at 7:30pm, I am ready for them to go to bed! Where have my sweet babies gone? I still get to see glimpses of them but I long to have the days back where I could just hold them in my arms and they'd be happy.

Don't get my wrong. I know & see that we are so blessed. I for that I am so grateful. But I need a break! Thankfully, Chris and I are going to Wintergreen in a few short weeks with several other friends and the kids get to spend time with their grandparents! I am counting down the days/minutes/seconds until I can only be responsible for myself. No diapers, no meals, no sweeping up meals that they didn't eat, no laundry, no cleaning up their toys at the end of each day, no ELMO! I can't wait. But I know once I am there I will miss my crazy life and my three adorable kids.

Strange how life works...

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